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How the Jackie Griffin Team Supports Housing for Homeless

Wednesday, November 25, 2020   /   by Carol McNamee

How the Jackie Griffin Team Supports Housing for Homeless

Two years ago, Florida Lifestyle Realty agreed to support Housing for Homeless where for every home sold with us, we will donate a portion to the organization. This partnership really gives back to the community and we are so grateful to be able to do this.

What is Housing for Homeless? It is permanent supportive housing targeted to individuals and families with chronic illnesses, disabilities, mental health issues, or substance use disorders who have experienced long-term or repeated homelessness. The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self-sufficiency, and remain housed.

By having these services available, it helps eliminate housing instability and self-medication/drug and alcohol addictions. In addition, it reduces hospitalization, and criminal activity helping Brevard save thousands of tax dollars. 

The Housing Programs have a maximum of one year stay, as that is considered a sufficient time for those to re-establish themselves into an independent living situation. Once you are in the program, you are assigned to a Case Manager who is ready and able to assist them in achieving their Personal Improvement Plan. This encourages them to accomplish their short and long-term goals. 

The program also provides intervention services in crisis situations. Their range of services include but are not limited to: 
  • Housing Placement 
  • Intake and Assessment
  • Case Management and Support Services
  • Rapid Rehousing Assistance
  • Access to a network of Social Service Agencies and Community Collaboration

They also have a program specific for the Veterans where they provide supportive housing and intensive case management for homeless veterans that are referred to them by the Veterans Affair (VA) and other agencies. 

If you would like to donate, you can click on the link below: Donate Here

Have questions or want to learn more about this? Contact me directly!

Carol McNamee

REALTOR at Florida Lifestyle Realty

Cell: (321)431-6200