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July Checklist for Your Home

Thursday, July 7, 2022   /   by Ana Baldner

July Checklist for Your Home

July has just begun. This means we are entering the peak of summer and officially halfway through 2022! It's the perfect time to make sure your home is prepared for the hot summer days and ready for summer activities.

Here is a mid-year checklist for your home:

Check safety devices 

It's important to have working carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors to make sure your home is safe. Test these devices monthly and replace their batteries if needed. If your device is older than 10 years, then it should be entirely replaced to ensure a safe home. Don’t forget to check expiration dates on fire extinguishers and replace them if expired. 

Look at windows 

July is a great time to set aside time to deep clean your windows around the home. Clean them inside and out and don’t forget to check for holes in the screens to protect your home from unwanted bugs and mosquitoes that may sneak in. Use a screen patching kit to repair any damage found. 


Conserve water

July is also a great time to pay attention to your water usage and cut down on costs. Water your lawn and plants earlier in the morning as opposed to the middle of the day. If you tend to water your lawn in the middle of the day when the sun is at its peak, a lot of it will evaporate rather than sinking into the soil and watering the grass. Watering in the early morning will help cut down on unnecessary usage. 

Upgrade pool safety measures

If you have a pool in your backyard, taking a day to make sure it has proper safety measures is essential, especially in the summer months. If you have small children or pets, make sure your pool is properly fenced with a self closing gate so they won't be prone to falling in. You can also place a safety cover on your pool when it's not being used or consider installing a pool alarm that will go off if anyone enters the pool. If you do have small children in your life, it's important that they know pool safety and how to swim well.

Clean any deck furniture 

Speaking of guests, take a second in these first weeks to deep clean any outdoor furniture. This can mean tables, seat cushions or even porch lights, as gatherings start moving outside.

Add shade to the yard

As you start spending more time outside, it’s important to remember that Florida in July has an average high of 91 degrees. It's a perfect time to add some shade to your yard to make sure your family and guests have protection for heat and sun exposure. 

Prepare your home for any trips

If your family is taking any Summer trips this year, make sure to add any necessary safety precautions. Motion sensing lighting inside and outside the home and a well maintained yard can make your home appear less appealing target for break-ins while you're gone. Make sure to inform neighbors of your vacation and ask a friend to keep an eye on it.

All of these are important to ensure your home is ready for the hot summer days. For more home maintenance tips, give us a call!

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