Monday, January 4, 2021 / by Julia Deptula
Transitioning from Holiday to Spring
After the Christmas tree is down and holiday decorations are put away the house looks like it could use a good cleaning, but where to begin? The thought can be daunting and overwhelming, so make a list of rooms and areas that need to be tackled. Give yourself time as all the jobs won't be done in a day.

Here are a few helpful tips to get you started:
- Deal with drop zone areas and clutter in general. These can become unnecessary stress. An organized house is a more comfortable home to live in.
- Consider working top to bottom in each room. Start with the ceiling fan, lamps and furniture before tackling the floors. Move furniture to get the untouched areas.
- Windows cleaned inside and out will let the light shine in brighter. Clean window treatments - they can harbor a lot of dust.
- The kitchen may get regular cleaning, but could use a deep clean after all the holiday cooking and baking. The appliances, cabinets, and drawers cleaned inside and out. The pantry shelves wiped down and expired food thrown out. The exhaust fan that was overworked needs a good cleaning as well.
- Bathrooms always need a good cleaning, the cabinets and drawers are easily overlooked. Throw out old cosmetics and medicines.
- Linen closets are easily tackled by taking everything out, wiping down shelves and vacuum corners. Replace all the clean linens and donate pieces that aren't being used.
- Bedrooms should be a sanctuary for rest, so decluttering is important. Vacuum the mattress, clean all the linens and pillows. The closets and dresser drawers cleaned out and replaced with only the items that you wear, donating the unused items.
- The home office should be well organized with everything having a place. Drawer organizers may need to be replaced. Files may need updating. Computers and printers can be dust magnets, so give those items extra attention.
- Avoid using chemicals and toxic cleaners. White distilled vinegar, baking soda and water have been safely used for years.
I hope this is helpful for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly!
Julia Deptula
REALTOR at Florida Lifestyle Realty
Cell: (321)432-3218